A number of artists have asked us where we got our special, plein air easel set up. When I tell them that I built it, they all want to see plans. To respond to all those requests, I've put together a PDF, which goes through all the steps or building your own field easel. ![]() This easel requires some basic woodworking and metalworking skills, however, nothing advanced. You need to be able to measure, saw wood and metal, drill, file and glue with epoxy. The most complicated thing is tapping threads. This easel works for both oil and acrylic set ups. The instructions are for the acrylic set up. To modify the set up for oil, you don't bother to use the magnets, as your palette will not be metal, and you adjust the length of the hold-down clip to suit your preferred palette. Also, you need to adjust the large opening in the brush and cleaner flap to fit whatever liquid holder you use. Click here to download a PDF (2 MB) that has complete instructions to build this set up. Click here to download a PDF that shows the oil solvent cup holder modification.
We've often been asked what an artist should to bring when going plein air painting. Not that easy to say, as we are all so different, however, I can say what I bring. (This is for acrylic painting.)
First, you need to control your selection of paint. Depending upon how far I expect to walk with my kit, I bring either a bare minimum palette of colours, or a slightly expanded set. Bare minimum set Hansa Yellow Medium Napthol Red Light Quinacridone Magenta Burnt Umber Indanthrene Blue Titanium White Expanded set Hansa Yellow Medium Napthol Red Light Quinacridone Magenta Burnt Umber Indanthrene Blue Phthalo Blue (green shade) Phthalo Green (yellow shade) Titanium White Polymer medium With either of these two paint kits, you can mix almost any colour you come across. Two brushes: Catalyst by Princeton Polytip bristle 1" & 1/2" Brights (great brushes for plein air, if you like stiff, easy to control brushes) Palette: Non-stick baking tray Field easel (I have my own custom-made easel) or pochade box with tripod Yoghurt tub for cleaning brushes Rags for cleaning brushes Viewfinder Small sketchbook 1 soft pencil Eraser Grey-scale markers: black, medium and light non-bleed markers 1 small spritzer bottle for keeping the paint on the palette open Clamp-on umbrella to shade painting board and palette 3-4, 12x16 (or whichever size you like to work with) painting boards for the day, already primed orange or black Stool (If you paint sitting down) Backpack large enough to carry all of the above except the boards, which I carry in a board holder Water for painting, if you will not be near a water source Camera to shoot scene and capture progress of your painting Non-Painting Items Sun hat Sunscreen Insect repellant Drinking water Snacks Sweater or similar in case it turns cool Rain gear if there's chance of rain Pliers, for opening stuck paint tubes Good walking shoes Cell phone for emergencies If you are going deep off the regular track, these other items are good to have as well Compass and/or GPS Food & more water Whistle for signalling Basic first aid kit Walking pole Map of area Space blanket |
Keith ThirgoodIs an artist working in the Canadian, post impressionist style. I paint en plein air when I can and in the studio the rest of the time. Archives
June 2019